Monday, July 18, 2016

I revised the student poster to create this mini-poster [inspired by Lori Gard ( ) and Sylvia Duckworth] to support our teachers' efforts with improving the school experience for parents as well as their students!
Begin with the End in Mind: if we all begin the school year...with "being..."
(you feel in the blank) as our goal for the end, what a year for our students...


  1. I remember teachers based on who taught me lessons about things outside of the classroom, as well as inside. Those lessons and the teachers behind them have stuck with me for most of my adult life (although I'm not that old yet).
    I think teachers should strive to be the best educators and remember that there is a world beyond their classrooms.

  2. Well said, "young one"! K-16 education is about preparing students for life_ which is played out within the walls of the classroom for a very limited time. If what I can share, show you, or express today in my classroom will help_ not hinder_ your forward movement in life, I have done my part.
    "If I can help somebody as I pass along_ then my living shall not be in vain!" Alma Bazel Androzzo
